Sharon Hancock Has Helped Thousands Of People Flourish, And She Can Help You Too

If you are struggling with your relationships or life in general, Sharon can help you turn everything about through guided intervention.

Who is Sharon Hancock

Sharon Hancock has been a psychotherapist and counselor for the last 30 years, specializing in the areas of co-dependency, relationships, Essence, and Tantra. After completing a psychology degree at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, she moved to London and completed further education in Somatic Psychotherapy. She studied Reichian Bodywork with Gerda Boyesen and completed a two-year professional course. While in London, she studied the humanistic psychologies that were emerging from Esalen Institute in California. These include Psychodrama, Gestalt, and Family systems.

Sharon’s Work

Sharon’s work is based on the interface between psychotherapy, spirituality, and meditation. In 1990 she became interested in co-dependency and trained in couple counseling at the Couples Institute in Palo Alto, California. Today she works in group, training, and individual setting in couple, relationship, and family therapy.

What She Offers

Sharon’s work takes place in a gentle and non-invasive space. Clients are supported to inquire compassionately into the issues, conflicts, fears, and tensions that hold them back from living at their full potential.

Counseling and Consulting

Sharon covers a wide facet of individual and family problems through her counseling and consulting.

Professional Training

Sharon offers professional training spread over 4 modules that helps professionals and individuals better understand themselves and their surroundings.

Why Choose Sharon Hancock

Sharon has trained at prestigious institutes and continues to upgrade her knowledge and skill set to suit modern-day problems.


Find out how I have helped numerous clients gain back control of their life and how you can too. Here’s what others are saying.
What I learned with her in supervision, you cannot learn from books or university. Supervision with Sharon is precious, and it has shifted my way of practicing with my clients. In her hands, therapy becomes an art, and she excels at it. It has been a big chance to be able to learn from her.
Sharon has really supported my womanhood over the years and has both taught me and modeled what it’s like to embody the feminine with so much strength and vulnerability. She has and continues to inspire me to listen to my discernment, intuition, and depth, especially in a buzzy world with a growing commercialized spirituality.
Sharon Hancock has been my therapist for years. After many years in therapy, meeting her was a turning point in my life that truly changed it. I also have had the chance to work in supervision with her for my work as a therapist. Sharon is the most outstanding therapist I have ever worked with. She is extremely experienced, insightful, wise, brilliant, and compassionate.
There are therapists, and there is Sharon Hancock. Sharon is an exceptionally deeply skilled, present, and heartfelt therapist who has made a big impact on my life through and through. What I love about working with Sharon the most is not only that she empowers me to show up as myself but also challenges me with so much love and kindness to show up as an adult and own my part of things.
I have had the privilege to work with Sharon in her training for many years, and I have to say that she is always surprising in that there is always something new and profound that she teaches. Her command of psychological theory is outstanding, as is her way of transmitting it to her students. The practical work and the demos are really impressive, and she teaches by example. We learn how to trust our own intuition and individual style of working with people.